The page below summarizes YOUR contractual rights regarding obsevations and evaluations.

Article XVIII-Professional Evaluations—The purpose of professional evaluations shall be to encourage the improvement of individual professional performance and to provide a basis for decisions on reappointment, tenure and promotions.


At least once during each academic semester, non-tenured and non-certificated members of the teaching staff shall be observed for a full classroom period. One observation shall take place during any scheduled class during the first ten weeks of a semester. The employee shall be given no less than 24 hours of prior notice of observation. The observer will submit a written observation report to the chairperson within one week. A follow-up, post-observation conference should be scheduled within two weeks of observation, which includes employee and observer.

If the observation or post-observation is not held within these time frames, you must file a request with the chairperson within ten (10) working days or lose your rights to have one conducted.

Article 18.2 stipulates the process of observations. Article 18.2(e) states, “After ten (10) semesters of service teaching observation for adjunct personnel shall be held at the request of the chairperson or the adjunct.”


At least once each year, all teaching faculty (Adjuncts and Graduate assistants included) are required to have an annual evaluation conference. You should receive a record of the conference, which is also placed in your personal file.

Article 18.3 (d) explains the protocol for any adjunct that has not received a yearly observation: “In the event that a date for yearly evaluation is not scheduled by March 1, the employee shall, within ten (10) working days thereafter, file a request for an observation and/or conference with the chairperson or supervisor. A copy of the request shall be sent to the appropriate dean and the Office of the President. Failure of the employee to file the request shall bar the employee from subsequent complaint regarding such non-compliance with the above-stated scheduling requirement. Upon receipt of the request, the dean or President shall cause appropriate remedial action to be taken to insure compliance with this provision.

 Article 18.3 (c) states, “After four (4) semesters of service annual evaluation for adjunct personnel shall be held at the request of the chairperson or the adjunct, provided, however, that if such evaluations are conducted at the request of the adjunct, such evaluations may not be conducted more than once every four semesters.”

Click Here to read full Article XVIII

For both observations and evaluations, your signature indicates only that you have seen your evaluation in your file. For observations you have the right to place your own response to an evaluation attached in your file. For evaluations, you have the right to request to appear in person before the department Personnel and Budget Committee.