Category: Contract

Important Union Meeting: NOVEMBER 4TH!!!

The Professional Staff Congress (PSC)–the union which represents contingent (and all) employees teaching at CUNY–will have meetings on THURSDAY OCTOBER 21ST and NOVEMBER 4TH to discuss the demands they’ll make for the new contract with CUNY. The PSC and the Adjunct Project encourage all individuals teaching at CUNY to attend.

The meeting, called a Delegate Assembly, is open to all PSC Members. If you teach at CUNY, you pay dues, and by filling out a brief card you become a member, and can then vote on the upcoming contract. The Adjunct Project will have union membership cards available at the meeting.

SIGN THE CONTRACT DEMANDS PETITION <———–HERE!!!!!!!!!! Continue reading

What are your demands for the upcoming union contract between the PSC and CUNY?

Hi everyone. The PSC Executive Council met last night to discuss contract demands. The AP was asked to send a list of grad student-specific demands, so based on topics that came up at our first meeting and on conversations we’ve been having with various members, I sent the following list:

“1) Minimum three-year contracts for adjuncts, with documented reasons for non-reappointment and a system of seniority.
2) Wage increase of $30 per credit hour for adjuncts; equivalent for grad fellows and other contingent titles. Step raises every year.
3) Comprehensive employer-paid health insurance on par with municipal workers for all contingent employees.
4) Promotional series, real job security and due process for HEOs.

In addition to these, the students we have talked to are also very much concerned with the current and pressing issues of late pay for many adjuncts across CUNY campuses, as well as layoffs/non-reappointment of adjuncts for no documented reason. Other concerns include class size increases (with no correlative pay increase for larger classes, including for “jumbo” classes), ongoing difficulty in obtaining adjunct waivers to teach classes beyond the “9/6″ workload, the limitations of NYSHIP, and the lack of maternity/parental and sick leave for Graduate Assistant As, Bs, and Cs.”

The first four demands listed here are from the AP/CCU contract demands petition. If you haven’t signed that petition PLEASE DO SO HERE: The other demands are concerns we’ve been hearing since the beginning of the semester. When the demands are formalized, I will also include that GTFs should be able to receive ADJ/CET Professional Development Fund Grants.

Are there any other demands you’d like to see added to this list before the negotiations begin??? Please email if there are other things you think should be included here.


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