Author: Alyson S. (Page 3 of 3)

AP Workshop: Fighting Oppressions in the Heart of Academia!!!

AP Workshop Series presents:

Fighting Oppressions in the Heart of Academia

Wednesday, April 13th
6:30 pm
The CUNY Graduate Center, Room 5414

Food and drinks will be provided!
Help grow our movement: bring a friend!

How are racism, sexism, ableism, classism, homophobia, western imperialism, and other oppressions built up and maintained in the academy in general, and at CUNY in particular? What cultural and institutional structures preserve the academy’s oppressive status? How can we challenge and break down these structures? And how can we use our location within academia to fight for social justice?

Panel and discussion!!!

Some of the questions we may discuss include:

How does it feel to be a problem? Why are ethnics studies now only programs? What does an immigrant rights classroom look like? When did CUNY stop enrolling people of color? How do our community colleges use remedial no-credit classes to steal from poor New Yorkers? What’s your imposed and/or chosen identity? What lessons can the Young Lords, Black Panthers, and Gay Liberation Front provide now? What is the history of Medgar Evers College? To whom does CUNY belong? How do we make this a people’s university? Why are you lecturing to us about agency? What does an anti-sexist classroom look like? How does intersectionality help us target multiple oppressions uniquely? Why do CUNY teachers not reflect the make-up of CUNY students? When will doctoral studies reposition the most marginalized to the center? How do we support fellow colleagues’ grievances? What does a LGBTQI-positive classroom look like? What alliances can we create to protect integrationist, separatist, and transformationist visions? What does unity in difference look like? What is the history of Hostos College? Why should our scholarship confront oppressions? When will we reclaim CUNY open admissions? How can we synergize academic and community concerns to make our work socially relevant? What does an anti-racist classroom look like? Who are the radical educators? What kind of CUNY would you like to see? How can we fight for faculty of color and women to gain tenure? What are the specific concerns of international and undocumented students? What does an anti-imperialist classroom look like?

Who wants to help shape a CUNY anti-oppressions movement???

AP workshop: “I’m Stickin’ to the Union!” Galvanizing the PSC & our Contract Campaign

Come one, come all, to the 2nd Adjunct Project workshop in our new series! Governor Cuomo has all but passed an incredibly eviscerating state budget that will “leave [New York] with 6,100 fewer teachers, 20 fewer fire companies and 100 fewer senior centers,” the NYTimes reported today. Undoubtedly, this kind of intense economic attack will hit us hard in CUNY as management tries to pass off cuts to us, our colleagues, and our students while we undergo this difficult contract campaign.

Now is the time to get involved against this terrible momentum of austerity being foisted upon working people in NYC. Please forward this announcement widely, and we’ll see you all on Wednesday.

“I’m Stickin’ to the Union!”
Galvanizing the PSC & our Contract Campaign

Wednesday March 30th @ 6:30pm
CUNY Graduate Center, rm 5414
365 Fifth Avenue
B/D/F/M/N/Q/R to 34th St-Herald Square

Panel and discussion led by AP members. All are welcome!


The words *UNION POWER* have just come roaring back into public debate, with the decades-long attacks against our unions recently reaching a new fever pitch and turn-around in Wisconsin. Mass protests don’t occupy capitol buildings every day, let alone 16 days straight. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s push to eliminate basic union bargaining rights was a brazen attempt to balance the government/commerce crisis on working people’s backs. In response, many Wisconsinites–inspired by the revolutions in Egypt and around North Africa–created a vibrant “Tahrir Square” rallying spot right in the middle of the “scene of the crime.” Here, rank-and-file unionists, with K-College educators leading the charge, proclaimed a more equitable vision for Wisconsin. Suddenly, the broad U.S. left is being urged to become much, much more politically aggressive.

In NYC, Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg are eager to usher in major austerity measures, though (in their view) less conspicuously than Gov. Walker. Non-unionized charter schools crop up while public schools are forced to close; CUNY schools are slowly starved while the Board of Trustees and administrators enjoy raises and political immunity. It’s no secret that government and commerce are demanding that our Professional Staff Congress (PSC) union bleed through major upcoming cuts alongside the city’s other unions, which can potentially roll back our living/working/learning standards for good if we do nothing.

But we in the Adjunct Project have a different plan for dealing with this crisis that is one part Cairo, one part Madison, and two parts inimitable NYC. Join us on the evening of Wednesday, March 30th for our 2nd Workshop Series event, “‘I’m Stickin’ to the Union!’: Galvanizing the PSC and our Contract Campaign.” Several Adjunct Project members will lead a discussion on the following subjects:

*the nuts and bolts of being a union member in the PSC
*how to lead a fighting contract campaign from below to challenge CUNY management cuts
*using the March 23 PSC Albany direct action and March 24 NYC rally/march against cuts as momentum
*cohering a radical rank-and-file network of adjunct/contingent unionists around CUNY
*expanding the Adjunct Project’s rowdiness and linking up forces with other groups

Join us for this exciting event on Wednesday, March 30th. If you enjoyed our 3/14 Academic Freedom event, if you’ve been wanting to get involved for a while, if you have some great ideas and energy to contribute, and/or if you too have a different vision for CUNY and NYC than what’s being handed down to us, then this is the place for you to be!

For more info on this event and the Adjunct Project’s new Workshop Series, contact
Save the date: The next workshop will be “Fighting Oppressions in the Heart of Academia,” Wed April 13th @ 6:30pm, GC rm5414

*Brought to you by the Adjunct Project*
office: CUNY Graduate Center, room 5494

Academic Freedom and the New McCarthyism: AP WORKSHOP on Mon 3/14!!!

The Adjunct Project’s new Workshop Series presents…


Monday, March 14 @ 6:30pm

CUNY Graduate Center, Concourse Room 201 (basement level)

365 Fifth Avenue
B/D/F/M/N/Q/R to 34th StHerald Square

Panel and discussion featuring:

Frances Fox Piven
Professor of Political Science and Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center, author of Challenging Authority: How Ordinary People Change America
Ashley Dawson
Professor of English, CUNY Graduate Center, co-editor of Dangerous Professors: Academic Freedom and the National Security Campus
Carol Smith
Retired faculty, The City College of New York, curator of the online exhibit “The Struggle for Free Speech at CCNY, 1931-42”
Kristofer Petersen-Overton
Adjunct Lecturer of Political Science, Brooklyn College.


Our university is once again under attack. Two opponents of academic freedom, Glenn Beck and NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind, have recently targeted CUNY faculty members Frances Fox Piven and Kristofer Petersen-Overton, respectively, in the worst academic witch-hunts seen in years. Moreover, David Horowitz–author of the neo-McCarthyite work The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America and coordinator of the virulently anti-Muslim “Islamofascism Week” at U.S. colleges in 2007–has been welcomed to speak at Brooklyn College’s Library this Thursday at 6pm, where many people from around CUNY plan to protest his lecture.

Many education advocates have begun to ask what political strategies are needed to challenge the right-wing assaults on academic expression that Beck, Hikind, and Horowitz encourage, especially given the hidden origins of McCarthyism in the CUNY system itself. Indeed, intellectual silencing may further grow in the absence of a principled defense of freedom both in and outside the classroom.

Join us for this first gathering in our new Adjunct Project Workshop Series at the Graduate Center, which will bring together these speakers for a discussion on the struggle for academic freedom.

For more info on this event and the Adjunct Project’s new workshop series, contact


Save the date! The next workshop will be “‘I’m Stickin’ to the Union!’: Nuts and Bolts of the PSC and the Contract Campaign,” March 30th, 6:30pm, GC rm5414

*Brought to you by the Adjunct Project*
office: CUNY Graduate Center, room 5494

Kristofer Petersen-Overton Reappointed!! Celebration Rally at Brooklyn College this Thurs, 12pm

Attention CUNY Community,
As of today, Kristofer Petersen-Overton has been unconditionally reappointed to teach his Middle East course for this Spring 2011 semester. Brooklyn College finally responded to the swiftly galvanized public pressure from CUNY folks, the community, and supporters (literally) worldwide who had heard about his case and spoke out. See BC President Karen Gould’s letter reprinted below.

We will hold a Celebration Rally at Brooklyn College this Thursday, on schedule at 12pm, and call on all supporters of university justice and academic freedom to join us. We all who fought this fight collectively won alongside Kristofer, we tremendously benefit from this victory, and so we all deserve to celebrate! See you there. (And take a look at the joyous new flyer!)

We Stopped the Attacks on Academic Freedom! Kristofer Petersen-Overton is back!

Just a week before the start of spring semester classes, Kristofer Petersen-Overton was fired from his position as an adjunct lecturer of political science at Brooklyn College. A scholar highly regarded by many distinguished faculty at CUNY, Petersen-Overton was scheduled to teach a Middle East Politics course. His firing by Provost William Tramontano came hours after college President Karen Lee Gould was contacted by a New York State assemblyman who complained about the instructor’s academic writings on Israel and the Palestinians. It is clear that Petersen-Overton’s dismissal was the product of political pressure.

The college’s actions were a clear violation of academic freedom, including the university’s own official policy. We demanded that Petersen-Overton be fully reinstated in his position, and that his course on Middle East Politics be allowed to proceed as originally designed. The university ultimately respected this academic freedom, and we urge it to do so with all its employees and students. This is especially crucial with contingent faculty like Petersen-Overton, who receive none of the protections of tenure despite the fact that they teach the majority of courses at the City University of New York.

Stopping attacks on academic freedom is crucial to the rights of all of us who work and study at Brooklyn College and the City University of New York! We made this happen!


When: Thursday, February 3, 12-2pm

Where: Brooklyn College

Outside Boylan Hall in the campus Quad, near Bedford Ave.

Trains: Q Local to the Avenue H station, at Avenue H & East 16th Street. Walk 4 blocks east to the Ocean Avenue entrance. #2 (7th Avenue Local) or #5 (Lexington Avenue Express) to the Flatbush Avenue/Nostrand Avenue station.

Featured speaker: Kristofer Petersen-Overton

Sponsored by: CUNY Adjunct Project, CUNY Contingents Unite, Doctoral Students’ Council, Brooklyn College Student Union, Brooklyn College Palestine Club, Al Awda-NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, New York City Labor Against the War, American Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC), Jews Say No!, too many more to now count!!!

For more info, or to co-sponsor, contact: Conor Tomás Reed at, 979.204.9253

UPDATES: The GC Advocate is keeping a live blog on the case and they have compiled many of the letters that prominent intellectuals have sent to Brooklyn College on behalf of academic freedom (including, among others, Neve Gordon, Noam Chomsky, Rosalind Petchesky, Susan Buck-Morss, Marshall Berman, Katha Pollitt, Anne Norton, John Wallach, Moustafa Bayoumi, Greg Grandin, and President of the AAUP Cary Nelson). See the following links:

Also: check out THIS NEW AWESOME FLYER!!!

Brooklyn College rally this Thurs, 12-2pm, to defend Kristofer Petersen-Overton and Academic Freedom!

Stop Attacks on Academic Freedom! Reinstate Kristofer Petersen-Overton!

Just a week before the start of spring semester classes, Kristofer Petersen-Overton was fired from his position as an adjunct lecturer of political science at Brooklyn College. A scholar highly regarded by many distinguished faculty at CUNY, Petersen-Overton was scheduled to teach a Middle East Politics course. His firing by Provost William Tramontano came hours after college President Karen Lee Gould was contacted by a New York State assemblyman who complained about the instructor’s academic writings on Israel and the Palestinians. It is clear that Petersen-Overton’s dismissal was the product of political pressure.

The college’s actions are a clear violation of academic freedom, including the university’s own official policy. We demand that Petersen-Overton be fully reinstated in his position, and that his course on Middle East Politics be allowed to proceed as originally designed. The university must respect the academic freedom of all its employees and students. This is especially crucial with contingent faculty like Petersen-Overton, who receive none of the protections of tenure despite the fact that they teach the majority of courses at the City University of New York.

Stopping attacks on academic freedom is crucial to the rights of all of us who work and study at Brooklyn College and the City University of New York!

RALLY details

When: Thursday, February 3, 12-2pm

Where: Brooklyn College
Outside Boylan Hall in the campus Quad, near Bedford Ave.
Trains: Q Local to the Avenue H station, at Avenue H & East 16th Street. Walk 4 blocks east to the Ocean Avenue entrance. #2 (7th Avenue Local) or #5 (Lexington Avenue Express) to the Flatbush Avenue/Nostrand Avenue station.

Featured speaker: Kristofer Petersen-Overton (list in formation)

Sponsored by: CUNY Adjunct Project, CUNY Contingents Unite, Doctoral Students’ Council, Brooklyn College Student Union, Brooklyn College Palestine Club (list in formation)

For more info, or to co-sponsor, contact: Conor Tomás Reed at, 979.204.9253

UPDATES: The GC Advocate is keeping a live blog on the case and they have compiled many of the letters that prominent intellectuals have sent to Brooklyn College on behalf of academic freedom (including, among others, Neve Gordon, Noam Chomsky, Rosalind Petchesky, Susan Buck-Morss, Marshall Berman, Katha Pollitt, Anne Norton, John Wallach, Moustafa Bayoumi, Greg Grandin, and President of the AAUP Cary Nelson). See the following links:

Check out THIS FLYER

Building alliances with undergrads…

…this may be a good place to do it? (Check this out. It’s organized by the March 4th/October 7th Committee, and apparently lots of student activists from the senior colleges have been coming to these meetings. It may be a great place for for the AP to build relationships with these students, which will be imperative in fighting tuition hikes and budget cuts in the spring)…

Spring Organizing Kickoff Meeting

When: Sunday, January 16, 12 to 2 PM (longer if necessary)

Where: Solidarity Center, 55 West 17th St., 5th floor (between 5th and
6th Aves.)

This meeting will be used to review and assess the previous semester’s
actions and strategize for next semester. This will be an excellent
opportunity to discuss the inter-related campaigns against tuition
hikes, budget cuts, layoffs and the upcoming contract negotiations,
including the struggle to win real improvements for adjuncts,
including pay raises, job security and health care.

For more information, email


Baruch’s Provost is ringing in the New Year with class size increases and adjunct layoffs. And CUNY’s New Years Resolution is to charge you more tuition.

What are we going to do about it?

Grab some paper, some scissors, and some markers, wish Provost McCarthy a happy new year, and let him know how you feel about charging more for bigger classes!

Join our holiday card–making session on

Mon Dec 13th 1-4pm (Baruch Vertical Campus lobby)

Provost McCarthy has instructed many department chairs at Baruch College to eliminate courses and the contingent workers who teach them by creating jumbo classes of over 100 students.  These classes will not have teaching assistants, and some instructors won’t even have a grader.  The Adjunct Project stands in solidarity with Baruch students, department chairs, and faculty in demanding no class size increases at Baruch or any other CUNY campus. 

The situation at Baruch is changing rapidly, but even if new jumbo classes end up not being in the mix, general class size increases appear to be on the horizon for the spring and definitely the fall, and adjunct layoffs are a certainty.  If this gets rammed through at Baruch, we can all be sure that it will set a precedent for all of CUNY, and that we will see larger classes everywhere, and longtime adjuncts being fired as their classes are taken away.

Baruch is a laboratory, and a precedent will be set however things end up! Make the precedent our resistance to the “walmartization” of CUNY!

Check this SNOWPERSON out!!!

Continue reading

BoT meeting tomorrow: protest tuition hikes!!!

***Please Forward Widely***



Tuition has gone up 44% since 2003.

Now the CUNY Administration is doing it to us again with a proposed

5% tuition increase for Spring 2011, and 2% tuition increase for Fall 2011

To make things worse, Baruch College is also planning to lay off Adjunct Lecturers

and create 150-200 student-sized Franken-classes across departments!


***Rally outside the CUNY Board of Trustees meeting***

Monday, November 22, 3:30 pm

Join the Adjunct Project caravan from the Graduate Center to Baruch! Meet in the GC lobby on Monday at 2:45pm to walk to the rally together.

Contacts: Carl (646.413.1347) and Conor (979.204.9253)

Rally location and details:

Baruch College, 55 Lexington Avenue (corner of 24th Street), Vertical Campus.

We will rally outside from 3:30 to 4:00, then go into the Board meeting,

which starts at 4:30 and is in room 14-220 of Baruch’s Vertical Campus.

For more info, contact

What are your demands for the upcoming union contract between the PSC and CUNY?

Hi everyone. The PSC Executive Council met last night to discuss contract demands. The AP was asked to send a list of grad student-specific demands, so based on topics that came up at our first meeting and on conversations we’ve been having with various members, I sent the following list:

“1) Minimum three-year contracts for adjuncts, with documented reasons for non-reappointment and a system of seniority.
2) Wage increase of $30 per credit hour for adjuncts; equivalent for grad fellows and other contingent titles. Step raises every year.
3) Comprehensive employer-paid health insurance on par with municipal workers for all contingent employees.
4) Promotional series, real job security and due process for HEOs.

In addition to these, the students we have talked to are also very much concerned with the current and pressing issues of late pay for many adjuncts across CUNY campuses, as well as layoffs/non-reappointment of adjuncts for no documented reason. Other concerns include class size increases (with no correlative pay increase for larger classes, including for “jumbo” classes), ongoing difficulty in obtaining adjunct waivers to teach classes beyond the “9/6″ workload, the limitations of NYSHIP, and the lack of maternity/parental and sick leave for Graduate Assistant As, Bs, and Cs.”

The first four demands listed here are from the AP/CCU contract demands petition. If you haven’t signed that petition PLEASE DO SO HERE: The other demands are concerns we’ve been hearing since the beginning of the semester. When the demands are formalized, I will also include that GTFs should be able to receive ADJ/CET Professional Development Fund Grants.

Are there any other demands you’d like to see added to this list before the negotiations begin??? Please email if there are other things you think should be included here.


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